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We free promotional product entrepreneurs to boldly focus on business with a well-run engine behind them, to build a business with well-funded confidence, and grow the business with advanced technology and digital fluency.

The Corona Virus & The Impact on Import Promotional Products

Everyone knows a huge part of the branded promotional product and apparel industry relies on goods made in China. Many of our clients have asked how the Corona Virus will impact inventory. There is really no firm answer until more is known. Some key issues and questions we reported on back in February are still unknown:

  1. Scientists are still trying to confirm how the virus spreads and just how far reaching it will spread globally.

  2. How long it takes its labor force to be able to safely return to work. Many factories are on complete shut down since workers are unable to travel, or are beyond capacity to fill demand for certain goods.

  3. What type of backlog will be created for goods and services.

  4. What the global impact will be economically and will this result in a recession.


In recent weeks, the spread of the virus has now infiltrated most countries around the world and the United States is just beginning to feel the impact. Panic buying of health and anti-bacterial product is rampant.   

-          Public events are getting cancelled or limited to the number of attendees allowed

-          Travel plans are being changed or cancelled.  Travel restrictions are being implemented on a daily basis here in the U.S., and abroad with some countries closing travel to and from their region.

-          Non-profit organizations are concerned about donations and funding

-          Manufacturers and transportation companies are doing contingency planning for potential reduction in the available work force.

-          Healthcare services such as clinics and hospitals are predicting shortages in available space, and first reposonders (police, fire, paramedic services, skilled nurses) are also gearing up for shortages.


We’ll all get through this.  It’s a matter of being thoughtful and mindful – and a lot of hand washing.  (Don’t forget to clean your cell phone and TV remote – contact us for the next availability of sanitizing wipes branded with your logo!)


Kris Belveal

Identify Advertising

Cause Marketers Find Success With Targeted Messages

When it comes to promoting a cause, marketers are finding that it’s best to get specific. Targeting certain customer segments and using signature cause products is increasingly popular among nonprofit and charity organizations looking to engage consumers and corporate sponsors.

Whether it’s LiveStrong’s iconic yellow bracelet, or the American Heart Association’s (AHA) red-dress pin given as a thank-you to those donating to its Go Red campaign (focused on women’s heart heath), these products not only give donors something tangible for their gifts, but are something of a badge of honor that gives them social currency with friends and family.

“It’s about awareness building, and strengthening affinity with that cause,” says Anne Erhard, vice president of cause branding and nonprofit marketing for the firm Cone, which developed the Go Red effort. “Within these campaigns are a lot of areas for consumer segmentation,” she adds. Cone has helped the AHA develop several targeted campaigns, including the Power to End Stroke, aimed at African Americans, and Start!, urging physical activity for the general American population. 

For-profit companies both large and small are promoting their cause-marketing efforts through similar strategies. Blue Sky Scrubs, which sells stylish scrubs for female health professionals, announced in mid-September that it would donate a fashionable hospital cap to a cancer patient for every set of scrubs purchased.

“We just recently started promoting this charitable aspect,” says David Marquardt, CEO of Blue Sky Scrubs. “We realized that it was kind of a growing area and we wanted to make as big of an impact as possible.”

The economy has certainly presented challenges for the nonprofit sector, but it remains a major user of promotional products. Organizations like Autism Speaks offer full online stores that not only offer ways to donate and support the cause, but segment their messages for the time of year (Autism Speaks recently targeted its message around a back-to-school theme).

Indicative of the growing significance of marketing in the nonprofit sector, the American Marketing Association recently hosted its first Senior Nonprofit Marketers' Summit in Chicago, bringing together 18 top executives from American Red Cross, AARP, United Way, American Lung Association and others to discuss strategies.

“The nonprofit sector has always been a vibrant, but not always well-recognized, marketing sector,” says Cynthia Currence, chair of the conference. “If ever there was a time to use all the levers that are available, it’s now, and marketing has been a perennially underused function for these organizations.”

But while these marketing areas are growing, charitable events remain a mainstay for nonprofits seeking to strengthen their appeal. “Events are the most traditional outlets nonprofits use for promotional items, but the ways they are using them are changing,” says Erhard. “Now you find sophisticated pop-up stores, rather than just a T-shirt. Also goodie bags at the end of the event, and promotional tents co-sponsored with corporate sponsors, with co-branded items and products and sampling.”